Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change

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Internship Reflections - 10/26/2022

It’s sad to be saying goodbye to the Dane County Office of Energy and Climate Change. Over the last five months, I’ve had the opportunity to be part of incredible projects and meet really amazing people

Joe Parisi at celebration
Climate Champion Celebration - 10/13/2022

It was an incredible experience to meet with our current and past Climate Champions and celebrate everything they’ve done to make Dane County more sustainable.

Outside Dane Williams house
Using Heat Pumps in Wisconsin Winters? Absolutely. - 10/10/2022

Dan Williams has always been interested in sustainability. His older home was heated by a fossil gas-fueled boiler and cooled with traditional central air conditioning. In order to reduce his future reliance on fossil fuels, he decided he wanted to transition to an air-source heat pump to heat and cool his house.

People at round tables discussing sustainability
Stoughton Sustainability Community Dialogue a Huge Success - 9/26/2022

If it takes a village to raise a child, then surely it also takes a community to accelerate sustainability and climate action. I saw that in action at the “Sustainability Community Dialogue” in Stoughton.

Cultural Institutions in Dane County Examine Energy Use - 8/29/2022

How can you reduce your carbon emissions if you’re not sure what you’re using right now? That’s the premise behind Culture Over Carbon, a research study currently in progress that’s aiming to collect and analyze energy use data from over one hundred museums and cultural institutions across the country - including right here in Dane County.

Willy St. solar panels
Two Co-ops Making a Difference - 8/22/2022

Atop Willy Street Grocery Co-op East are 80 solar panels producing up to 25.6 kW of energy. The story of how they got there is a unique one, and serves as a model for over forty other projects around the state, with more to come.

Graph showing how much CO2 emissions avoided from IRA legislation
The Inflation Reduction Act Will Spur More Action Locally - 8/15/2022

This month the US Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which represents the largest investment in climate action in US history. The IRA commits about $369 billion to climate action.

Clouds with sunlight
Faiths Connect for Climate - 7/25/2022

At a climate protest last week, I saw a sign that said, “Only everyone can save us now.” It’s a powerful reminder that climate action isn’t individual, but instead requires all of us to work together.

SunVest Solar logo
Women in Solar - 7/22/2022

What image comes to mind when you hear “solar energy professionals?”

Yahara Solar groundbreaking
Yahara Solar: An Important Milestone - 6/27/2022

On June 22 Dane County Executive Joe Parisi stood with partners from Alliant Energy and SunVest to announce Yahara Solar, a 17 MW solar project that will enable Dane County to achieve a big goal, the goal of getting all of the electricity used in Dane County’s facilities from renewable sources.