Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change

The Climate Champions Program

The Climate Champions program recognizes local entities that are leading on climate action. Climate Champion logoOur aim is to celebrate local leadership and inspire action from individuals,  government, schools, businesses, and nonprofits across Dane County. Whatever climate action you are taking and whether you are a business, nonprofit, or local government, we want to applaud your efforts! Prospective Climate Champions can submit for recognition in one or more of ten recognition categories. If your organization has already been awarded Climate Champion status in a previous round, only apply again if you have implemented enhanced practices in your award category or have a new category submission. 

Entities are recognized with up to four star designations depending on the sustainability practices that they implemented. All awardees are granted public recognition, including signage for their businesses. Learn more about the Climate Champion recognition categories and apply below. 


The 2024 Climate Champions Application Period Is Closed

The 32 new 2024 Climate Champions are profiled here.



Climate Champion Recognition Categories

Building Energy Use

Sun and solar panel

For entities with very energy
efficient buildings.

 Building Design

two skyscrapers
For new building design
or retrofit projects.

Fleet Operations

For entities with a fleet powered
by clean fuels.

Employee Commuting

Person on bike
For entities where the workforce commutes via bike, walking, transit or telecommuting.

Water Saving Practices

For entities that have implemented practices to reduce water usage.

Waste Diversion Practices

recycling symbol
For entities that have strong waste diversion practices.

Sustainable Land Use

For entities with sustainable
land use practices.


shaking hands
For entities who help others
take climate actions.

Net Carbon Emissions

carbon dioxide cloud with down facing arrow
For entities that have reduced
their carbon footprint.


three dots
For entities who have taken actions
that don't fit into other categories.