On average, every person in Wisconsin generates over 1,700 pounds of waste each year. Every year, 250,000 tons of garbage are landfilled in the Dane County-owned-and-operated Rodefeld Landfill. All that garbage is not waste, it is simply wasted resources. - Dane County Climate Action Plan
The Dane County Department of Waste & Renewables is leading the way on reducing, managing, and creating innovative solutions and strategies to reduce the impact of waste in Dane County by transitioning from traditional waste disposal programs to responsible resource management systems in a circular economy.
Learn more about the Dane County Department of Waste and Renewables taking a tour of the facilities, taking a virtual tour, or by checking out these informative videos.
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The Dane County's Rodefeld Landfill has fewer than five years of capacity remaining. Our community has a unique opportunity to rethink our waste management strategy and advance towards a circular economy.
The planned Sustainability Campus aims to reduce waste and generate local circular economies, attracting businesses focused on reuse, repair, and recycling and introducing innovative waste management technologies and research. The campus will be designed for safe public access, education, and recreation, allowing visitors to learn about and reflect on their relationship with waste. This initiative will help the Dane County community move towards a future where waste is not a liability but is recognized as a valuable resource and opportunity. Situated on Madison's southeast side, the campus will serve as a central hub for reuse, recycling, waste management, research, and educational activities.
In 2019, the Dane County Department of Waste and Renewables constructed a renewable natural gas (RNG) processing facility using cutting-edge technology to capture and convert landfill biogas into renewable natural gas.
Renewable natural gas (RNG) is produced when organic matter decomposes without oxygen, emitting methane - a potent greenhouse gas. By capturing and cleaning this gas, it can be transformed into RNG, a valuable clean fuel source from our waste stream, and used interchangeably with traditional natural gas.
A key innovation of Dane County's RNG facility is its first-of-a-kind offload station, which allows other local biogas producers, such as dairy farms, to access the interstate pipeline and renewable energy markets. Dane County's investment in an interstate pipeline provides an affordable opportunity for regional biogas producers to participate in the renewable energy market while increasing the diversity, equity, and inclusion among stakeholders that can participate in the renewable energy market. Learn more about the RNG Facility's Offload Services here.
Developed by the Dane County Department of Waste & Renewables in partnership with the Madison Children’s Museum, the Trash Lab is a mobile exhibit designed for waste reduction education and to help inspire us to rethink our relationship with waste.
The exhibit is a 27-foot repurposed cargo trailer that is fully accessible and features more than 10 interactive stations, engaging stories, and a wealth of data, all complemented with compelling videos and photos. The Trash Lab exhibit features a vibrant, whimsical exterior and immersive interior; traveling across Southern Wisconsin, the exhibit explores the social justice, economic, and environmental effects of waste locally and globally.
By shedding light on landfill operations, the impacts of our waste, and sustainable solutions, Trash Lab empowers community members of all ages to make informed choices about waste generation and sustainability.
In a 2018-2019 project, 35 acres of closed landfill space was planted with a pollinator friendly seed mix of native grasses, forbes, and legumes to create habitat for butterflies and other pollinators.
In addition to the landfill cover, the Department of Waste & Renewables has planted pollinator friendly mixes on other sites, including the historical Wheeler site in the Town of Westport. Following a public archeological event and survey that unearthed historical artifacts at the childhood home of Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919), a renowned Wisconsin poetess, the Department planted native grasses, forbs, and legumes to provide pollinator habitat by restoring the site to its original ecosystem for present and future generations to continue to enjoy.